Hi folks

I'm having a problem with the RichTextEditor when using an embedded font
in my application.

When the font for TextArea is set to an embedded font, no device fonts
will render in the RTE.  Typing when this font is selected just causes
no characters to be displayed.

Can be duplicated using the following code:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<mx:Application xmlns:mx="http://www.adobe.com/2006/mxml";
layout="absolute" historyManagementEnabled="true">
@font-face {
     src: url(assets/fonts/Calibri.swf);
     fontFamily: "Calibri";
@font-face {
     src: url(assets/fonts/Calibri.swf);
     fontFamily: "Calibri";
     fontWeight: bold;
     fontSize: 13pt;
     <mx:RichTextEditor  />
Using this code, try setting the font in the RTE to anything other than
Calibri, and no text is rendered.

I've seen posts on this group that discuss a similar problem (embedding
Verdana, which possibly causes the device font to be shadowed), but that
doesn't appear to be the case here.

Any suggestions?


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