Thank you I kinda knew about that way ;)
but if my object contains30 fields and also has a bunch of another
objects, this procedure will be painful  ;)

What about this way:

public function result(event:ResultEvent):void {
var xmlS:XML = XML(event.result);
var decoder:SimpleXMLDecoder = new SimpleXMLDecoder(true);       
var xdoc : XMLDocument =  new XMLDocument();
xdoc.ignoreWhite = true;                                        
var ob:Object = decoder.decodeXML(XMLNode(xdoc.firstChild));
var feed:Album= Album(ob); // Exception here!!!!

But this doesn't work for me too ;)

--- In, "Derrick Grigg" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> You can't automatically convert XML to a strong typed object. You 
> should create a method in your Album class that takes an xml 
> variable, and then populate the Album from there.
> ie 
> var album:Album = new Album();
> album.setData(event.result);
> class Album
> {
>    public function setData(data:XML):void 
>    {
>       //populate the album
>    }
> }
> Derrick
> ----------------
> Derrick Grigg
> --- In, "lytvynyuk" <lytvynyuk@> wrote:
> >
> > Situation I have XML like that 
> > <album>
> > <name></name>
> > <images>
> > <image></image>
> > <image></image>
> > <image></image>
> > </images>
> > </album>
> > 
> > using HTTPService I'm getting this XML.
> > 
> > I have AS Class:
> > 
> > public class Album {
> > public var name:String;
> > public var images:ArrayCollection;
> > }
> > 
> > straight cast like:
> > 
> > 
> > var album:Album = Album (event.result);
> > 
> > 
> > doesn't work
> > 
> > Is any suggestion around this, what I do wrong, may be there are 
> some
> > other way to do that
> > 
> > Thank you.
> >

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