Sorry it took me so long to respond to this.  I thought everything 
had moved over to the other thread.

> You are welcome to file an ECR for alignment properties or styles, 
> keep in mind that in most people's use cases, you don't want to 
> the Image beyond the size of the bitmap so there might be some play 
> one dimension, but not the other.  This is because most of the 
time, you
> want to use the layout rules instead of having things overlap.  I 
> also recomment not filling available space with Image in your 
> either.

I have submitted an ECR FR-APOLLO-00096.

I thought that maintainAspectRation was designed to allow images to 
scale gracefully.  I think that the root issue here is that there is 
a bug in the way Flex is deciding when to scale content.  If I have 
scaleContent and maintainAspectRatio both set to true, I'd expect 
that the content would size itself within the available space 
regardless of whether the control is set to a percentage of the 
container size or not.  However, that is not what happens, so you get 
giant content in small containers with scrollbars.

I think if the feature worked as expected you would indeed be correct.

> I asked in the other thread that you post a couple of the swfs so I 
> look at them.  I'm now thinking that the content in the swf is not
> aligned to topleft.
> I wish AVM1Movie had timeline APIs too, but like I said, the Player 
> chose not to implement interoperability between the two worlds.

You would think they would then step up to the plate and provide 
examples that show a workaround to restore functionality that has 
been eliminated.


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