--- In flexcoders@yahoogroups.com, "droponrcll" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Sorry it took me so long to respond to this.  I thought everything 
> had moved over to the other thread.
> > You are welcome to file an ECR for alignment properties or 
> but
> > keep in mind that in most people's use cases, you don't want to 
> stretch
> > the Image beyond the size of the bitmap so there might be some 
> in
> > one dimension, but not the other.  This is because most of the 
> time, you
> > want to use the layout rules instead of having things overlap.  I 
> would
> > also recomment not filling available space with Image in your 
> renderer
> > either.
> I have submitted an ECR FR-APOLLO-00096.

ROFLMAO.  My husband has been sitting over there laughing at me 
cussing a blue streak.  I went back to Matt Chotin's example and saw 
that it worked regardless of the different image sizes, so I looked 
again at his code.  In the Image tag I found this text:

verticalAlign="bottom" horizontalAlign="center" 

So it appears these properties have existed since at least FB 2 but 
they are not documented and do not appear in code hinting.  If this 
post helps one other person struggling with this issue, I feel this 
entire week or so I have spent wrestling with this problem will have 
been worth it.

Thanks for your patience, Alex, and for being a good sport through 
all my frustration!


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