Actually I wouldnt mind betting that code of yours would run without 
any error at all, native types are passed by value not reference.

--- In, "johantrax" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> I think you still pretty much get the concept of const.
> It means the value of yyy cannot be changed after initialisation.
> To actually see it used in methods like this.. I assume the example
> you gave is a bit 'stripped down' :p
> If I get it correctly, everything is ActionScript is passed by
> reference, so to expand your example a bit:
> function xxx() {
>  const yyy:Number = 99;
>  abc(yyy);
> }
> function abc(zzz:Number) {
>  zzz *= 10;
> }
> Not big of an example, not even sure if it's correct. But when this 
> done I assume an error will be thrown, saying that the assignment to
> zzz in function abc is illegal for the argument yyy, being const.
> However this is an assumption, based on how I used const in other
> programming languages. I have no experience with it in AS
> --Johan
> --- In, "reflexactions" <reflexactions@>
> wrote:
> >
> > I thought I understood the meaning and use of const until....
> > 
> > I saw Adobe use it inside methods...
> > 
> > function xxx(){
> >  const yyy:Number=99
> > }
> > 
> > What is the effect of that and what is the benefit?
> > 
> > tks
> >

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