What's wrong with this?
<mx:TextInput text="{ someReferenceToAModel.property }"  />

Now, you can use the Binding tag to bind the value in the above back to the
source, your datagrid in this case, but its not really a good idea, though


On Dec 31, 2007 9:33 AM, markgoldin_2000 <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I am trying to figure out what both ways of data binding are.
> Basically we have two subjects for data binding: DataGrid and a Form.
> With DataGrid it is pretty clear: dataProvider. But with form? It
> does not have such a dataProvider property (Which is in my opinion it
> should have). So, what's a solution for that? DataModel? Which it
> turn does not have dataProvider either. But it does have a source.
> Source of what? Data? Ok, let's stick to dataModel. But then I am
> reading that it's better to use class-based models. Here is an
> example of class-based model form Help:
> package
> {
> [Bindable]
> public class ShoppingCart {
> public var items:Array = [];
> public var total:Number = 0;
> public var shippingCost:Number = 0;
> public function ShoppingCart() {
> }
> public function addItem(item:Object, qty:int = 1,
> index:int = 0):void {
> items.splice(index, 0, { id: item.id,
> name: item.name,
> description: item.description,
> image: item.image,
> price: item.price,
> qty: qty });
> total += parseFloat(item.price) * qty;
> }
> public function removeItemAt(index:Number):void {
> total -= parseFloat(items[index].price) * items[index].qty;
> items.splice(index, 1);
> if (getItemCount() == 0)
> shippingCost = 0;
> }
> public function getItemCount():int {
> return items.length;
> }
> public function getTotal():Number {
> return total;
> }
> }
> }
> Two questions:
> 1. How the data is getting into a picture here?
> 2. How am I using this model in my mxml file?
> Sorry if I am asking something obvious, but I am just having problem
> understanding why data-centric environment does not have a straight
> way of binding data both ways. All I would want is to assign a data
> source to my form and then specify data fields for each control in
> the form. Simple as this. Is this possible in Flex?
> Thanks

Douglas Knudsen
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