Thanks Jason,

I have watched all the videos on Thermo and I'm certainly excited to
get my hands on the beta if and when it comes out. 

My concern with Thermo is the same concern I've had with Dreamweaver
and other WYSIWIG code for years in that for most advanced
functionality I these apps write bloated ugly code that's hard to work
with and modify. 

As long as Thermo addresses the real needs of Designers and Coders and
the overall workflow and iterative process of real applications, then
I think Thermo will be welcome with open arms. 

However... Why develop a new application to do something that Flash
already does pretty well if flash and flex could only work better

I think this gets back to my earlier point of how Flex 2+ has
introduced the need for another step which is the translation between
the two environments. 

Justin Winter

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