All very good information, thanks again Alex. I can't tell you how
much I appreciate your responses to my posts. 

I guess all I'm bitching about is that I really hope someday Flash &
Flex can work better together. 

There are just so many ways that the Flash stage makes more sense to a
designer. As an example, Every designer I've worked with always has
small "tweaks" after the functionality is added and in most cases, the
designers I've worked with, would prefer to make those changes
themselves, or at least have the option to. Give the designer a copy
of Flex and having them manipulate CSS or MXML markup just feels wrong
to most designers. These are visual people and flash excelled at
giving these people tools they could understand and work with.
Designers use Photoshop which has similar tools to Flash, again why
these people probably felt comfortable trying out flash. It just made

I love flex as a programming environment but the workflow has been
drastically changed since Flex 2 arrived on the scene, coming from the
flash world, and to expect designers to be coders and coders to be
designers is unrealistic from my perspective. Where you could once
have two people work on a small project, you now almost need a third
person to go back and forth between the designer and coder for every
visual change to an application. It used to be common place for
designers to know a bit of flash but beyond converting the initial
proofs there really doesn't seem like there is much usefulness having
a designer do anything else. 

Maybe I'm looking at this wrong, but I'd love to hear a better way to
overcome the traditional workflow changes since Flex 2. 

Best regards.
Justin Winter

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