The doc says setting length it will work, but I've never tried it.


If you have WMC's referencing Charts, you need to make sure the Charts
aren't leaking, and that when a chart goes way it takes all or most of
its WMCs with it.



From: [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On
Behalf Of lytvynyuk
Sent: Friday, March 14, 2008 9:14 AM
Subject: [flexcoders] WeakMethodClosure - what is this ?


O, thank you! What about array.length = 0;?

Returning to WeakMethodClosure - in 1 hour of running application 
profiller has 5600 instances of this thing, take 90kb of memory. 
Examinig backreference shhows that many of them is adding events 
listener inside components like charts. Are this valid things or just 
something internal what I shoul ignore?

> Use array.splice to remove items from an array


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