Macbook Pro is better built machine then any Windows one I can find. The
same goes for their Mac Pro. However, it takes time and patience to live
with it.Here are my "first 10" things to look into while migrating:
1. You most likely will need Fusion/parallel for legacy/migration path.
Macbook is limited to 3GB RAM, so VMs have limited appeal. I spend 80% of
the time on the Workstation (with tons of RAM and CPU power) side and use
MBP only for travel. For that, 15" models are better. If you are doing large
Flex projects you are better off spending extra money on very fast
workstation/being productive and enjoying the rest of the day.
2. Apple pricing is a scam - check OWC for memory/HD upgrades
3. HD is not user upgradable - however, you can do it with web tutorial for
less then cost of upgrade.
4. You need external 500GB/1TB USB drive for "time machine" if you use MBP
it for development. Do not even think about backup to NAS drives - not
unless you are ok with not being able to restore.
5. You have to have 2nd large monitor - if you keep older machine you will
need DVI switch (belkin has OK one for up to 1920x1200)
6. You need cooling control util (Apple settings for fan are ridiculous) and
cooling pad - MBPs run really hot once you start development
7. bluetooth mouse (logitech or msft)  - more usable then mighty mouse for
windows users
8. Move your shared data for Windows/Mac/Linux to fast NAS drives - you do
not want to deal with USB once you have two incompatible file formats.
9. Patience
10. A lot of it - for the first month you will be in the "terminal" window
at least couple of times a day till you get your environment to your liking.
On the bright side, if you are OK with unix or linux, a lot of things are
much better at this level

Overall the "comfort level" is achievable within 2-3 month. During that
period be very careful with overriding system pre-installed components like
MySQL as OS X versions of such widely used products have very limited
support and dated versions.

Hope this helps,
Anatole Tartakovsky
Farata Systems

On Wed, Jun 4, 2008 at 3:57 PM, george_w_canada <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>   I bought my first Macbook last November for home projects.
> If you need dual-monitor for development, and has big monitor larger than
> 1280X800, buy a
> MBP.
> --- In <>,
> "scottyale2008" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >
> > How many Flex developers here are using a Mac for development? I've
> > been a die hard Microsoft guy since ... well, since Microsoft first
> > started. I went from CPM on a Morrow Meadows to Microsoft DOS (on
> > computers with a Turbo button!), then Windows, now Vista. I do have an
> > iPhone and it is an incredible device and the GUI is extremely well
> > done. I've never used a Mac, but many of my friends have taken the
> > plunge. Is it time to make the switch? I'm thinking about a Mac Book
> > Pro. Is a Mac Book even worth considering for a Flex dev machine or is
> > a Mac Book Pro the way to go? Anybody else make the switch recently
> > from Windows to Mac?
> >

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