
Primeiro gostaria de te agradecer pela força...

Eu conheço ouca coisa de FMS, fez parte de um dos tópicos do meu
trabalho de conclusão de curso da facul, mas eu sei o que é...

Só não sabia que ele era gratuíto para até 10 conexões...

Mais uma vez, valeu pela força!


Alan de Melo Granadeiro
Desenvolvedor Web

On 3 set, 08:35, Pablo Faria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Primeiramente vamos saber o que é FMS (Flash Media Server)
>  O Flash Media Server é um servidor de Streaming, nele é possível
> fazer:
>     · Aplicações de áudio e vídeo interativas
>     · Mídia em tempo real
>     · Vídeo e áudio "on Demand"
>     · Aplicações de colaboração
>     · Chats via webcam
> Ele é muito usado em aplicações feitas em Flash, mais nós podemos
> também usá-lo em aplicações feitas em Flex.
> A primeira coisa a se fazer é baixar o instalador:
> Ele é gratuito para desenvolvedores, dá até 10 conexões simultãneas
> sem cobrar nada.
> Após a instalação vamos começar a programação:
> primeiro no Flex:
> Crie um arquivo chamado flexFCS.mxml
> nele escreva o seguinte código
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Canvas xmlns:mx=""; width="650"
> height="516" creationComplete="init();" backgroundColor="#e6e6e6">
>         <mx:Script>
>              <![CDATA[
>                         import mx.collections.ArrayCollection;
>                                 import*;
>                                 import*;
>                                 import flash.utils.*;
>                                 import mx.controls.*;
>                                 import mx.core.UIComponent;
>                     // Current release of FMS only understands AMF0 so tell
> Flex to
>                                 // use AMF0 for all NetConnection, NetStream, 
> and SharedObject
> objects.
>                                 NetConnection.defaultObjectEncoding =
>                                 //NetStream.defaultObjectEncoding     =
>                                 SharedObject.defaultObjectEncoding  =
>                                 // echoResponder is used when"echo", 
> echoResponder ...)
> is called.
>                                 private var echoResponder:Responder = new 
> Responder(echoResult,
> echoStatus);
>                                 // SharedObject and NetConnection vars
>                                 private var nc:NetConnection;
>                                 public var ro:SharedObject;
>                     private function init():void
>                     {
>                                         writeln("Initializing application... 
> in player: " +
> flash.system.Capabilities.version + "\n");
>                                         // create new connection to FMS and 
> add listeners
>                         nc = new NetConnection();
> nc.addEventListener(NetStatusEvent.NET_STATUS, netStatus);
> nc.addEventListener(SecurityErrorEvent.SECURITY_ERROR,
> netSecurityError);
>                     }
>                         /**
>                          * connect is called whenever the connectButton is 
> pressed
>                          * and decides what to do based on the current label 
> of the
> button.
>                          * NOTE: the rtmp address is in this function. Change 
> it if
> you need to.
>                          */
>                     private function connect():void
>                     {
>                                 if(userName.text == ""){
>                               "Please enter a user 
> name.");
>                                         return;
>                                 }
>                                 switch(connectButton.label){
>                                         case "Connect":
>                                                 connectButton.label = "Wait";
>                                                 connectButton.enabled = false;
> nc.connect("rtmp://localhost/chat_test", userName.text);
>                                                 nc.client = this;
>                                         break;
>                                         case "Disconnect":
>                                                 connectButton.label = 
> "Connect";
>                                                 connectButton.enabled = true;
>                                                 nc.close();
>                                         break;
>                                 }
>                     }
>                     private function
> netSecurityError(event:SecurityErrorEvent):void {
>                             writeln("netSecurityError: " + event);
>                         }
>                     /**
>                                  * This method could be named anything - even 
> onStatus. I've named
> it
>                                  * netStatus as in Dave Simmons example. In 
> the docs they use the
>                                  * name netStatusHandler. Instead of 
> receiving an information
> object
>                                  * it is passed an event that contains the 
> information object.
>                                  */
>                                 private function 
> netStatus(event:NetStatusEvent):void
>                                 {
>                                         // Write out information about 
> connection events:
>                             writeln("netStatus: " + event);
>                             var info:Object =;
>                             for(var p:String in info) {
>                                 writeln(p + " : " + info[p]);
>                             }
>                             writeln("");
>                                         switch (info.code)
>                                         {
>                                                 case 
> "NetConnection.Connect.Success" :
>                                                         connectButton.label = 
> "Disconnect";
>                                         connectButton.enabled = true;
>                                         sendButton.enabled = true;
>                                         writeln("Connecting non-persistent 
> Remote
> SharedObject...\n");
>                                                         ro = 
> SharedObject.getRemote("ChatUsers", nc.uri);
>                                                         if(ro){
> ro.addEventListener(SyncEvent.SYNC, OnSync);
> ro.connect(nc);
>                                                                 ro.client = 
> this; // refers to the scope of application and
> public funtions
>                                                         }
>                                                         getServerTime(); // 
> get local time
>                                                    break;
>                                                 case 
> "NetConnection.Connect.Closed" :
>                                                         connectButton.label = 
> "Connect";
>                                         connectButton.enabled = true;
>                                         sendButton.enabled = false;
>                                                    break;
>                                                 case 
> "NetConnection.Connect.Failed" :
>                                                    break;
>                                                 case 
> "NetConnection.Connect.Rejected" :
>                                                    break;
>                                                 default :
>                                                    //statements
>                                                    break;
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                                 private function OnSync(event:SyncEvent):void
>                                 {
>                                         // Show the ChangeList:
>                                         var info:Object;
>                                         var currentIndex:Number;
>                                         var currentNode:Object;
>                                         var changeList:Array = 
> event.changeList;
>                                         var temp:Array = new Array();
>                                         writeln("---- Shared Object Data 
> -----");
>                                         for(var p:String in{
>                                                 writeln("OnSync> RO: " + p + 
> ": " +[p]);
>                                                 temp.push([p]);
>                                         }
>                                         this.usersList.dataProvider = temp; 
> //update list of users
>                                         for (var i:Number=0; i < 
> changeList.length; i++)
>                                         {
>                                                 info =  changeList[i];
>                                                 for (var k:String in info){
>                                                         writeln("OnSync> 
> changeList[" + i + "]." + k + ": " + info[k]);
>                                                 }
>                                         }
>                                 }
>                                 /** echoResult is called when the 
> echoResponder gets a result from
> the"echoMessage"..) */
>                         private function echoResult(msg:String):void{
>                                 writeln("echoResult: " + msg + "\n");
>                                 this.serverTime.text = msg;
>                         }
>                         /** echoResult is called when the echoResponder gets 
> a error
> after a"echoMessage"..) */
>                         private function echoStatus(event:Event):void{
>                                 writeln("echoStatus: " + event);
>                         }
>                                 /** sendMessage is called when the sendButton 
> is pressed to test
> ns.send */
>                                 private function sendMessage():void{
>                                         // call our remote function and send 
> the message to all connected
> clients
>                               "msgFromClient", null, 
> sendMessageInput.text);
>                                         sendMessageInput.text = "";
>                                 }
>                                 /** get server tme  */
>                                 private function getServerTime():void{
>                               "getServerTime", 
> echoResponder,  sendMessageInput.text);
>                                 }
>                                 /** showMessage is the function called by the 
> inStream. See the
> netStatus function */
>                                 public function showMessage(msg:String):void{
>                                         writeln("showMessage: " + msg + "\n");
>                                 }
>                                 public function setUserID(msg:Number):void{
>                                         writeln("showMessage: " + msg + "\n");
>                                 }
>                                 public function setHistory(msg:String):void{
>                                         writeln("showHistory: " + msg + "\n");
>                                 }
>                                 public function msgFromSrvr(msg:String):void{
>                                         writeMessage(msg);
>                                 }
>                                 /**
>                                  * writeln writes text into the traceArea 
> TextArea instead of
> using trace.
>                                  * Note to get scrolling to the bottom of the 
> TextArea to work
> validateNow()
>                                  * must be called before scrolling.
>                                  */
>                                 public function writeln(msg:String):void{
>                                         traceArea.text += msg + "\n";
>                                         traceArea.validateNow();
>                                         traceArea.verticalScrollPosition =
> traceArea.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
>                                 }
>                                 /**
>                                  * writeMessage writes text into the main 
> chat text area
>                                  */
>                                 public function writeMessage(msg:String):void{
>                                         messageArea.text += msg + "\n";
>                                         messageArea.validateNow();
>                                         messageArea.verticalScrollPosition =
> messageArea.maxVerticalScrollPosition;
>                                 }
>              ]]>
>      </mx:Script>
>         <mx:List width="127" height="210" x="513" y="66" id="usersList"/>
>         <mx:TextArea width="495" height="210" id="messageArea"
> wordWrap="true" x="10" y="66"/>
>         <mx:TextInput text="hello" id="sendMessageInput"  width="366" x="77"
> y="284"/>
>         <mx:Button label="Send" id="sendButton" enabled="false"
> click="sendMessage();" x="451" y="284"/>
>         <mx:TextInput id="serverTime"  width="243" x="397" y="10"/>
>         <mx:Button label="Connect" id="connectButton" click="connect();"
> x="212" y="10" width="90"/>
>         <mx:TextInput x="10" y="10" width="194" id="userName"/>
>         <mx:TextArea width="630" height="156" id="traceArea" wordWrap="true"
> x="10" y="350"/>
>         <mx:Label x="10" y="324" text="Trace Window" fontWeight="bold"/>
>         <mx:Label x="10" y="40" text="Message Window" fontWeight="bold"/>
>         <mx:Label x="513" y="40" text="Users" fontWeight="bold"/>
>         <mx:Label x="319" y="12" text="Local Time:"/>
>         <mx:Label x="10" y="286" text="Message:"/>
> </mx:Canvas>
> Agora vamos fazer uma tela pra abrir essa outra tela.
> Crie o arquivo main.mxml
> nele escreva o seguinte código
> <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
> <mx:Application xmlns:mx="";
> layout="absolute" xmlns:ns1="*" viewSourceURL="srcview/index.html">
>         <ns1:flexFCS y="10" horizontalCenter="0">
>         </ns1:flexFCS>
> </mx:Application>
> Agora a parte Flex está pronta. Vamos mexer agora com a programação
> para o FMS.
> No servidor FMS trabalhamos com arquivos .asc, Action Script
> Communication
> Crie um arquivo main.asc e digite o seguinte código:
> Client.prototype.getServerTime = function(msg){
>         var now = new Date();
>         return now.toString();
> }
> application.onAppStart = function()
> {
>         trace("Begin sharing text");
>         // Get the server shared object 'users_so'
>         application.users_so = SharedObject.get("ChatUsers");
>         // Initialize the history of the text share
>         application.history = "";
>         // Initialize the unique user ID
>         application.nextId = 0;
> }
> application.onConnect = function(newClient, userName)
> {
>         // Make this new client's name the user's name
> =
> ...
> mais >>

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