

I'd definitely be interested, funds and time allowing. IMHO, the keys to successfully using an SDR in a DXpedition are:


1.       Getting the virtual serial port stuff working properly with SERIOUS logging software (a la N1MM, etc.)


2.     Sorting out the issues of running off a laptop (which I think Terry W0VB may have accomplished)


3.     Having a bulletproof CW keyer


From what I’m hearing we’re pretty close on most fronts. Count me VERY interested.


Gary W5ZL



-----Original Message-----
From: [EMAIL PROTECTED] [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of ecellison
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 3:47 PM
To: 'Larry Loen';
Subject: RE: [Flexradio] (no subject)




(Raising hand, for Carribean during a ww contest!) XYL might be a problem

here also! (smile)



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