Great comments, Larry. Here are some of my ramblings on the subject, not to
be confused with expert opinion:

Another option would be a rent-a-shack. There are lots of those in the
Caribbean and they generally come equipped with antennas already put up and
radios in place (which could be disconnected and replaced by SDRs). I
wouldn't presume to go with the intent of winning anything (not the first
time out anyway), but I see no reason why we couldn't make considerable
noise and get in a lot of logs (and have a lot of fun).  I'd personally like
to see a multi-multi so we could demonstrate our versatility
("Flex-ability", if you will) and be present on more than one mode. I'd
recommend against concentrating on digital modes in deference to
"mainstream" CW and SSB operation as that would only touch a corner of the
available user community. 

Also, bear in mind that most of the DX contests are not all modes in the
same weekend. If we were to just do an IOTA operation that would allow us to
do pretty much anything we wanted when we wanted. The operating techniques,
and to some extent, logging requirements aren't very different whether
you're a DXpedition or a contest operation. I'd strongly suggest working up
a bulletproof integral logging/SDR environment - and testing it rigorously
under contest conditions before ever heading off for a remote operation of
any kind. 

Regarding your comments about logging program integration, if we are looking
at a DXpedition operation rather than a contest from a DX location that
could make a difference in the log/SDR integration. For example, if we're a
non-contest DXpedition, we will likely be running (parked on a frequency for
extended periods with others calling us - probably split) all the time and
the panadapter and associated console real estate is mostly in the way. In
that situation, maybe we could reclaim that real estate and let the logging
software run in that freed up area of the desktop. If we're contesting, on
the other hand, the panadapter would be very useful for S&P operation.
Second monitor??

Gary W5ZL

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Larry Loen
Sent: Saturday, June 11, 2005 4:51 PM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] SDR DXpedition

I think we'd have to decide what our real ambitions were. I would not 
presume that we would be there to be the winning multi-multi or even 
multi-two. Or, even a top 10 finish in the category. I know I'm not that 
good, esp. on the CW side of it. Not at 300 Qs an hour, I'm not, if 
that's what it takes. And, I don't think I'm smart enough, at least, to 
figure out how to get a really competitive set of antennas shipped to 
some sight-unseen hotel. But, if you know how, then I'm listening :-).

Based on my general interests, and what I think is realistic (speaking 
for myself, at least) I would be more interested in making a 
demonstration of the SDR and its capabilities and putting up a 
respectable score.

I would also be interested in being very experimental, here. (Hence the 
suggestion of some moonbounce as well as regular HF contesting).

For instance, I think we're so far taking it for granted we'd be doing 
SSB or CW. But, maybe the thing to do that would really show off the 
SDR, and maybe make us a bit more competitive to boot, would be to do CQ 
WW RTTY (though that may be in a more expensive hotel season, would have 
to look, as it might affect not just prices but the ability to 
"commandeer" the hotel).

One interesting thing would be to see what we could do about logging. 
This is one of those classic cathedral-versus-bazzar kinds of 
discussions -- do we "integrate" in a probably not wholly competitive 
but hopefully workable logger into the SDR console, or do we use the 
Serial port and run "the real thing" like N1MM and possibly give up on 
being able to use some of the SDR features? It may be by the fall that 
there isn't much compromise in the latter (things do improve around 
here!), but I don't know if we can count on that, especially if we need 
some of the stuff integrated in the N1MM software. I just don't know how 
that one works and if it is open source, for instance. (What I don't 
know about that stuff would fill volumes).

I can stand either method, this is more like an example of what we might 
think about, but it's really a question of what we want to do (the 
definition of "fun" matters here) and what we want to demonstrate in 
terms of the SDR (hardware and software).

A lot of this will depend on the operators. I have operated many 
contests (I once won a very lesser award in an IARU contest), but I do 
not consider myself seriously competitive. I usually operate for the 
sake of finding new 5B zones or the stray country. That is very 
different from being a serious contester (the more so now that I've seen 
what the experts have to say on the subject).

The fact that we'd be gathering from all over the country, with no 
experience or rehearsal (which is not how serious contesters DXpedition) 
will also be a handicap.

On the other hand, there's the potential to make this an "all hands on 
deck" kind of offering. Those that weren't going could potentially 
contribute stuff, like hardware or software, that we might need to work 
in a contesting environment (e.g. two sound card cable or other 
connections for RTTY in the context of a laptop, aforementioned 
contesting software or other operating aids, such as a new memory keyer 
that I've long wanted).

The total community might make up for the deficiencies of some of the 
operators (I have one whose call starts with WO in mind).

Another question would be whether Flex as a company was interested in 
piggybacking on this (and sponsoring in some way -- might increase the 
operator pool a bit, depending).

I can be had on all this -- I'm mostly thinking aloud, not committing 
myself in blood here -- but there will be enough money and sweat in this 
that before I make as much as a trip to Expedia to price a plane fare, 
potential participants ought to get a handle on what realistic 
expectations are for reasons that, I think, are obvious enough. I'd even 
drop out if it turned out I was the one holding back what a more serious 
and experienced group might want.

Whatever we do, if we do it at all, this has gotta be fun!

Larry WO0Z

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