Ken, Gary,
I turned the equalizer on and levelled out the power settings and it now behaves like it should. I need to experiment with the Mic In Gain on the Audio Tab in setup so that I can find a happy medium between voice and psk.
Dale AA5XE


Thanks, Ken.  Actually, I found that I had the equalizer on.  The transmit filter is 150-3000, so its OK.  Turning the equalizer off made it behave better.  I probably used different PSK offset frequencies in the different bands resulting in the variation.  Also, I note that CPDR really  has to be turned off.  Setting it to zero and leaving it on makes the IMD poor.  This in response to what Dale suggested earlier.


I can see that digital modes will now require a bit more care in level setting.  There are many ways to screw it up. ;->


Gary AI4IN

-------------- Original message from Ken N9VV <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>: --------------

> Dale, go to your TRANSMIT setting TAB and check
> the values you have for the HIGH and LOW cutoff
> de Ken
> Dale Richardson wrote:
> > My observations concerning psk operation with version 1.3.13. I have a
> > SDR1K set up to work psk with AC97 onboard soundcard. Power setting is
> > 35 watts. When I transmit a psk signal at 500 Hz the power out is 42
> > watts, at 1000 Hz the power out is also 42 watts, at 1500 Hz the power
> > drops to 21 watts, at 2000 Hz the power drops to 11 watts, and at 2500
> > Hz the power is only 7 watts. I don't remember this happening with
> > previous versions. Compandor and compressor are off. Mode is USB. This

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