> I would echo Bill's sentiments about COM1/2.  I would avoid using these
> as virtual ports since it could cause a conflict with existing hardware.
> Eric Wachsmann
> FlexRadio Systems

This is good advise in general as COM1/2 are still often present on
typical motherboards.  And, even if they aren't, the defaults should work
just fine regardless.  I use the defaults without any conflict (I think it
is COM4/5, but the help text shows which -- use them).

However, one can barely imagine a case where these ports are not there or
are readily disabled and they might be useful for vCOM (some programs
still have limited choices of COM ports and others somehow work better
with defaults, which are often COM1 or COM2).  A really adept PC user
could go in and disable COM1/2 on the motherboard to at least get by for a
while until something, somewhere got fixed.  So, pulling support for
COM1/2 altogether is probably not a good deal.

Except for that uncommon circumstance, I would heartily agree to stay away
from them.  Taking the defaults, which were well-selected IMHO, should
ordinarily work just fine for the typical PC.

Larry WO0Z

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