
> Not that I could find, anyway.  Where is it hidden and why wasn't it as
> easy to find as, say, the Griffin Power Mate stuff that I don't need?
> It ought to be there and it ought to be obvious.

You're absolutely right in asking why the USB driver is not on the
public download page. It was more or less forgotten on the private
customer download page when FlexRadio made their software downloads
public. You need the user name/password provided by FlexRadio to use
this link:

There may have been some misconception that we (USB developers) wanted
the driver to remain on the private page. This was never the case, and
in fact just a couple of weeks ago Eric told me he's going to move the
USB driver to the public download page. Apparently this hasn't
happened yet.

73, Sami OH2BFO

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