Whatever you do, please don't assume we can dedicate the machine to the
SDR console.  We already aren't.

Why not?

Just to play Devil's advocate, let's assume you were using a traditional radio with a front panel, knobs and controls. It has a PC interface, and you run your MixW, logger, DX spotter, whatever on the PC.

Life is good.

You add the SDR-1000 to the mix, the PC display is crowded.

But what if you tried to add the logger, MixW etc. onto your old radio's front panel and not use the PC display? Make the radio display all the PC screen information? It wouldn't fit! Even if the radio is an FTdx9000 or IC-7800.

The problem is that the PC is now a *part* of the radio, and the SDR-1000 is *part* the radio. Many people think of the SDR-1000 as being the radio; it's not. It's only half of the radio.

To be fair, you should be using a *dedicated* PC for the SDR-1000.

Most folks don't, and leverage an existing PC into being the radio as well as the PC. Or buy a new PC for the SDR-1000 and leverage it into being their "shack" computer as well.

Something has to give.

Modifying the SDR-1000 occupied screen real estate is a possible solution, but I bet there are as many opinions as to what should be kept and what shouldn't, as there are SDR-1000 owners.

However, many PCs have video cards with two display connectors, or can accept such a video card. You can easily and inexpensively double your effective screen pixel count.

I put two screens on my desktop PC because I needed the pixels. I had to replace the existing video card with a new one for $39 so it would accommodate two screens. I added a pair of 1600x1200 LCD displays, only because I could not find 1920x1200 displays for less than several hundred dollars each.

If you use a desktop PC, you can add a second, usable LCD display for under $200 these days. If a laptop, most in the last few years have allowed the use of an external display that extends the desktop over both displays, so you can have the extra pixels work for you. It's no longer either/or.

My next desktop PC (I keep telling myself) will have two physical video cards that can each drive two physical monitors, and I'll end up with four active displays.

And wish I had more...


Lyle KK7P

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