ab7r wrote:

Personally I like, and am considering the idea of having a dedicated PC for
the SDR.  But then how do you get it to talk to the other computer for
telnet clusters...logging programs...digital programs...etc.  Using the
network card?  Would need setup tab for that on the console?


Exactly. There's a lot of minuses and negatives that take place every time you introduce a new computer into your configuration.

Try it if you like -- that's what the SDR is all about.

But, I've set up some pretty complex TCP networks in my time and the one thing I've learned is -- have a really good reason before introducing networking or added networking into a problem.

I am not eager at all for a separate, dedicated computer. We had one standalone computer in Belize to do the multi-two networking. That was a grand total of three and I wouldn't have wanted any more than that, even were there space, which there was not.

Larry   WO0Z

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