Thanks for the reply, Paul.

You're absolutely right re: sliders.

And regarding distributing source with the executable:  I wasn't aware that
the source needs to be distributed with the binaries, but I've just verified
that you're correct.  Unfortunately, at the moment I don't consider my mods
to be in an acceptable enough form for distribution (it's a bit of a mess
due to my using the code as a playpen for learning c#, c++, etc.), so,
rather than violate the license, I've decided to pull all files related to
my modified Console from my website until I can get the source cleaned up.

- Jeff, WA6AHL

-----Original Message-----
From: Paul Shaffer [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Saturday, April 15, 2006 12:08 AM
Subject: Re: [Flexradio] WA6AHL Console

Your console program has some good ideas. Your AF slider captures the mouse
unlike the style
of the official console and this is a slight problem. They are always
resetting focus to the hidden control
so that the mouse wheel returns to running the freq. That whole thing is
kind of funky but it works.
The source needs to be distributed with the binaries since it's all gpl.

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