At 10:19 AM 4/16/2006, Stan wrote:
When I purchased my radio, Gerald told me on the phone
having an SDR radio is really neat cause every few weeks you get new software.
Its like Christmas, every few weeks there a new version of software to play
with, like getting a new radio.

You DO get a new version every few weeks (or, perhaps a couple months).. What hopefully is changing is that you don't get a different version (with different broken parts) every other day.

The process in the past has mixed the two together... there would be a release with a bunch of new features, released as a "preview".. people would download it, find the inevitable bugs, a new preview would get pushed out, more bugs, back and forth on fairly frequent cycle, until a dozen or so previews had been rolled out, then, it would become an official release.

The problem is that there wasn't much to distinguish all those previews and the real beta releases, and folks were justifiably complaining about chasing a moving target. There's also the difficulty that some folks were using the .exe, and others were recompiling, and without good configuration control, there would inevitably be differences between the .exe out of the preview, and the one you compiled.

So, now, all those "previews", bugs and all, will be handled via SVN, rather than as zipped blocks. If you do the SVN thing, then the code you're compiling will always be the "right" configuration.

So this is changing? Why?

I dont have the time to set up SVN, my life doesnt revolve around ham radio.
I am sure there are some of us who actually have real jobs (not retired).

TortoiseSVN doesn't take all that long to set up (<15 minutes), and once you've got it done, life is MUCH easier than it was under the old scheme, where you'd unzip things and hope that they were in the right place. The other virtue is that with SVN, you can do an "update" whenever you like, to an arbitrary point in the sequence of changes. No worries about whether you've unzipped the pieces in the right order and whether you've missed something.

If the tune from the original song is changing Gerald, can I send my radio and
all the other items I needed to purchase to make it work in for a full


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