
Keeping track of the betas is _really_ easy in SVN. Assuming you have
write access to the SVN repository, right click on the mainline "trunk"
folder and select "Copy to ...". In the URL that comes up, replace
"trunk" with "tags/<beta name>" and let 'er rip. Bingo! A beta version.
Note that this DOES NOT actually copy the files, only the repository
version at the instant of beta creation. When files are downloaded from
the beta directory of the repository, SVN reconstructs the proper file

        Chris - AE6VK

-----Original Message-----
From: Jim Lux [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 

Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 11:13 AM
The challenge will be in keeping track of what a "beta" is, and how to 
reconstruct it from the repository, but I believe that's been figured
and involves some (very small) amount of fooling with SVN.  ...

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