Once you have Tortoise downloaded it takes less that 5 minutes to install it and set it up. Setup is no more complicated than pasting in an address of the SVN server and that is it, you are done.

Once you start using it you will love it, right click on the folder containing the source, select update, and in my case in a few seconds you have the latest and greatest code to play with. And if you made changes to some of the files, you don't loose those changes, you can't say that with downloading a zip file.

At 12:19 PM 4/16/2006, Stan wrote:
When I purchased my radio, Gerald told me on the phone
having an SDR radio is really neat cause every few weeks you get new software.
Its like Christmas, every few weeks there a new version of software to play
with, like getting a new radio.

So this is changing? Why?

I dont have the time to set up SVN, my life doesnt revolve around ham radio.
I am sure there are some of us who actually have real jobs (not retired).

If the tune from the original song is changing Gerald, can I send my radio and
all the other items I needed to purchase to make it work in for a full


On Sunday 16 April 2006 06:49 am, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> I have a Flex on order,.. It is due to ship in a couple of three weeks.
> Part of my purchasing decision was to have ready access to source and Beta
> releases.
> I'll call Gerald Monday moring and explain that he can cancel my order if I
> have to deal with SVN.
> So there!  IS that a simple enough business decision for Gerald?
> -Dan  K6KDK
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Dale Richardson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Cc: <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
> Sent: Sunday, April 16, 2006 8:35 AM
> Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Am I Missing Something? Or Is Everyone?
> > I must agree with Don on this. I really like using and playing with the
> > beta versions. It is the joy of experimenting that makes the SDR unique.
> > There needs to be an easier way to download and use the beta versions. I
> > also agree with Gerald along the lines of business sense. One has to
> > present the SDR as stable and ready to go to the majority of operators.
> > That being said, I still like the idea of easy downloads of beta
> > versions. 73,
> > Dale AA5XE
> >
> > Don AE5K wrote:
> > >At the risk of getting my hands slapped (yes, this list now has a bunch
> > >of "Thou Shall Nots..." which are hard to keep up with)...
> > >
> > >In a recent communication to this list, Gerald wrote:
> > >>That is to publish BOTH the source and the executable code on
> > >>the SVN server and you will have access.  You do NOT need to compile
> > >> any code to get and run the latest.
> > >
> > >Sounds good!
> > >
> > >So, I believed Gerald and decided to try out the very latest "alpha".  I
> > >am sorely unexperienced with Subversion, but have TortoiseSVN installed
> > >on my Windows 2000 machine that I've been using in the past to run
> > >PowerSDR.  Briefly, here are my experiences last evening:
> > >
> > >1. Made a directory to hold the svn stuff and clicked on the only thing
> > >I could find that would download from the URI given by Tim E. the other
> > >day.  Lucky I have a DSL connection out here in the boondocks of the
> > >Ozarks ... it took more than several minutes.  Ended up with 95.9 MB
> > >(with 172 MB of disk space taken up) in the directory, including 5660
> > >files and 714 folders!
> > >
> > >2. Made my way to the "release" folder under trunk->bin and found a
> > >"powersdr.exe".  Clicking on it started up the "wisdom" program for a
> > >few minutes.  Then, instead of starting up the PowerSDR console, it told
> > >me of a fatal error: "File or assembly name
> > >Microsoft.DirectX.DirectInput of one of its dependencies was not found"
> > >
> > >3. Copied powersdr.exe into it's own folder and started it.  Now I
> > >consistently get a fatal error which starts out: "The system cannot find
> > >the file specified ... at
> > >System.Diagnostics.Process.StartWithShellExecuteEX (ProcessStartInfo
> > >startInfo)" and continuing with 4 more lines similar.
> > >
> > >Even though I might be considered a "software type", my expertise is not
> > >in the area of svn or MS Windows.
> > >
> > >It used to be simple to try a new beta version.  Just download a couple
> > >megabyte file and go.  Gerald, it just isn't that way any more!
> > >
> > >What am I missing? (besides some files)  Maybe some good directions on
> > >how to use subversion and to properly execute the latest alpha?  Or do
> > >those who wish to try out the latest need to become software gurus?
> > >
> > >I can accept the shift ... but I feel many of us are now left out.
> > >
> > >73,
> > >Don AE5K
> > >
> > >
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> >
> > --
> >
> >
> > Government is not reason, it is not eloquence, it is force...Never for a
> moment should it be left to irresponsible action.
> > - George Washington
> >
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Cecil Bayona

"Windows the worlds most successful software virus"

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