Is it possible that you are overloaded?

I am about a mile from one broadcast station
and a couple of miles from two more.
Canadian transmitters a little further.
If I use a long wire on the broadcast band,
I get lots of strange behavior and can't
receive stations 50 miles away in Detroit.

Also, do you have your PreAmp on "High?
If so, try it on "Off".

To listen to broadcast, I often set my
BiggIR vertical to the "retracted" position
to reduce the overloading.  That cleans it
up nicely and I hear signals that I couldn't
hear before.

Mike - AA8K

KD5NWA wrote:
> The main problem it's not that I'm receiving signals that don't 
> belong in the AM band but that it's totally deaf below 790KHz
> I have that one Mexican station way at the bottom, which it's 
> probably due to filtering but my main problem is lack of signals.

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