I think before we go off the deep end on Presonus we
might consider our position.  We are using their
product in an off label application, in a way the
"soundcard" was not intended to be used.  We are not
very many of their users.  They made a firmware change
at our request that once changed apparently can not be

This new firmware while solving some flex-radio
problems may in fact screw up the reason their
soundcard was developed in the first place, that is
for the pro-sumer home studio recording market.  I can
see their reluctance to releasing a firmware change
that might hose up their regular users were it to get
into general circulation and give their now desirable
product the name of Mudd.  So before the trigger gets
pulled on heavy handed tactics perhaps we might
consider their response to such tactics, since we are
at best a nitch market to them, especially since it
looks like the Janus project is proceeding and may
supersede the Firebox as the DSP front end of our

73  W9OY  

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