Multiple profiles is not very difficult, it's not widely used but it 
fairly easy.

Each user have their own profiles, but you can have more than one and 
select at boot time which profile to load. In the device manager you 
can control each device and what profile they work under, the same 
thing with services. In that way the machine while running the SDR 
software is running with the minimum of devices and services. That 
makes faster and sometimes more reliable.

So you have a profile in which all the networking services, 
anti-virus, firewall, etc are turned off.

Have you ever gone to a library and found the floppy drives doesn't 
work? They did not disconnect them, they disabled them for the 
"public" profile, if the librarian login as themselves, then floppy 
drive works fine.

Sometime on TeamSpeak if we are both running Windows I can walk you 
through making a couple of changes so you can see how to do it yourself.

At 11:11 AM 6/27/2006, you wrote:
>Sounds like your son is a Linux user :-)
>Embedded systems with dedicated processing may indeed be "better"
>than a common Windoze desktop, however, with some care and
>optimization, XP is proven to be a suitable platform for the
>invention and development of the next generation of Ham Radio
>equipment. Perhaps your son would enjoy reading about the history
>being written by Gerald K5SDR and Flex-Radio Systems :-)
>Despite his prejudice, he should use Google and find the following info:
>Software Defined Radio and "Cognitive Radio" are the future of
>communications for all Armed Forces, Emergency responders, and plain
>old Cell phones.
>The April issue of Scientific American (in your local library or
>online) has a nice article about Cognitive Comm. technology.
>  >
>=======  XP optimization includes  ============
>go to Settings --> Control Panel --> System --> Advanced and make
>sure that you have turned OFF all visual effects, optimize for
>Turn off the system restore functions.
>Turn off any mirroring software.
>make sure that you are giving the PowerSDR console priority
>make sure that you are using a FIXED paging file size and NOT
>allowing the O/S to manage the paging space
>you turned OFF all system sounds
>you have turned OFF all O/S upgrades and checking for upgrades
>you have turned off virus checker, firewall, and auto update
>did you turn off ALL Email and Browsing?
>Have you gone into your BIOS and selected "Maximum performance" or
>something close to that?
>did you make sure that NONE of your CDROM drives are checking
>periodically for their auto-start of media files?
>have you used the System utility like msconfig to make sure you are
>not starting un-necessary programs or utilities (firewall, virus
>checker, palm pilot synch, MSN Mail notification, Acrobat AcroRead,
>Windows Defender, SpyBot, and so on?) none of them are needed when
>you are operating your SDR-1000
>KD5NWA suggested this very important technique: You could have a
>separate profile that starts normal services when you are on the
>internet, and a dedicated profile when you are using your SDR-1000.
>As far as I can tell: Profiles seems to be an *advanced* System
>Administrator skill.
>you can go into Settings --> Control Panel --> Add Remove Programs
>and remove everything you aren't using with the Console. Go into the
>Windows area and REMOVE all that NetBios crap, all file and print
>sharing, MSN Messenger, + anything that is extraneous.
>turn *OFF* system restore, because you aren't making any changes to
>the O/S while you are on the air.
>Do you possibly have any of this running in the background? what
>does it show if you use CTRL+ALT+DEL and choose PROCESSES? what do
>you see?
>if you are using DUAL-CORE technology, by all means experiment with
>the AFFINITY CPU selection for your PowerSDR in the Processes list.
>Use an optimized core XP set that reduces the
>footprint of XP to only 150MB.
>Alan NV8A wrote:
> > My teenage son questions the suitability of any software-defined radio
> > -- especially one depending on a computer running Windows -- as a
> > reliable means of communications in emergencies. Any takers?
> >
> > If I take the plunge and buy an SDR-1000, I expect to install my Icom
> > IC-706MkIIG in the car permanently, so that would be the
> > backup/emergency rig.
> >
> > Alan NV8A
> >
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Cecil Bayona

"Windows, the most successful software virus ever" Don Seglio Batuna  

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