By the way, Bob, I am giving a talk and demonstration of the SDR-1000 
next month to the Madison, WI radio club.  I am giving the talk from 
Boulder using VNC and phone patching my audio and the SDR audio through 
a speaker phone.  I will not fail to mention that in only a few hours 
from when I mentioned this bug, not only was there discussion from hams 
all over the world, but there was a fix to download.  Hell, you can't 
even get through to most help desks in that amount of time, much less 
get a fix!  Keep up the good work.

Tom   W0IVJ

Tom Thompson wrote:

>I downloaded 1.6.3 svn 560 and the pop is gone with  the dma buffer set 
>to 2048, the audio buffer to 1024, and the dsp buffer to 2048 with the 
>sampling rate at 96000.  When I set the dsp buffer to anything smaller 
>than 2048, the audio motorboats.  However, if I set the audio buffer to 
>2048, the dsp buffer can be set all the way to 256 without 
>motorboating.  I just do not understand the relatioship between these 
>buffers well enough to know if this is really a malfunction or not.
>On the X2 delay issue, I thought the delay was to enable one to key an 
>external amplifier before the SDR put out any RF and then to turn the 
>SDR off before the external amplifier was switched  from the antenna, 
>and the delay was in milliseconds.  It appears that that is exactly what 
>is happening when the SDR is keyed.  When the SDR is unkeyed, the RF and 
>X2 relay keying drop off together, but the tone during tune remains for 
>the delay time.  I set the X2 delay to one second so I could better tell 
>what is happening.  Under normal operating conditions this is not a 
>problem.  The only reason I mention it is maybe that is not the way you 
>intended it to be.
>Thank you for all the effort on this.
>73,   Tom   W0IVJ
>Robert McGwier wrote:
>>Please let me know if the code I checked in fixed the problem.  Thanks 
>>for the hint Frank.
>>Tom Thompson wrote:
>>>The X2 delay is certainly the key.  My svn 537 that was working had 
>>>the X2 delay set to zero.  When I set it to a larger number the tone 
>>>can be heard when switching from tune back to receive.  I appologize 
>>>for the misleading with svn 537.
>>>Tom,   W0IVJ
>>>>I think you are on the right track here.  A working example of the 
>>>>can be seen by setting X2 Delay to (say for example ) 200ms and then
>>>>pressing the TUNE button. You will notice that when you toggle OFF 
>>>>the tune
>>>>button you hear the CW side tone for whatever that delay amount is 
>>>>set to.
>>>>Also, when in SSB,  you can notice the last "sylable" of spoken 
>>>>words into
>>>>the mic, if you keep talking past exact point when you toggle off 
>>>>the PTT..
>>>>So something isn't quite right there..
>>>>----- Original Message -----
>>>>From: "Frank Brickle" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>>>>To: <>
>>>>Sent: Tuesday, June 27, 2006 2:05 PM
>>>>Subject: Re: [Flexradio] audio pop
>>>>>Where is the value of top.swch.fade -- that's essentially the TRX
>>>>>crossfade time, in samples -- being set? In the PowerSDR code I
>>>>>can trace it back through setup_switching() to setup() but haven't
>>>>>been able to find the call to setup() :-)
>>>>>Tom Thompson wrote:
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