At 01:45 PM 8/21/2006, Tim Ellison wrote:
>I agree with the whole new paradigm aspect, but we also have an
>opportunity to do something really cool in the retro sense.
>I have never owned a Collins S-line or a pair of Gold Dust Twins, but if
>I wanted to operate some vintage hardware, just slap on a skin and you
>are off to the races.  There is not reason not to do both.

Hey, and with a SDR, you can also implement all the defects of the radios 
of a bygone era.. drifting LOs, noisy front ends, all manner of transmit 
and receive distortions and intermods.

One can even duplicate the signals and sounds of the days of King Spark.

>I suspect on the specs are published, skins will start coming out of the
>woodwork.  I can't wait for the day!

And when will those specs be published?  RSN?


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