>>Here is a link to a friend of mine who has a calculator program with a
>>appearance.  You can go to the VIEW and then SKINS and make changes in
>>the appearance of the calculator.  It would be very nice to have
>>skins (for the SDR...) to allow

I just could not resist:

I LOVE your calculator skin! I just LOVE anything that is nostalgic. I
really don't care if it is functional or not.   I just am interested in the
wonderful  "LOOK OF IT ALL !!!"

Please, please, please have you friend make me a SKIN of my old slide rule
that my Father gave me for my 8th birthday when I was just a tadpole.
Nothing would make me happier that to work my current engineering problems
on a Slide Rule Skin on my PC, you know I could move the slide around with
my mouse, shouldn't  take too much extra time, my boss won't mind.   If my
boss comes over to my work station and says " Dan, what's taking so long
today?"  I would just show him the SKIN and he would LOVE it too !!!

73s - Dan

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