Hi Folks,

more than one year ago I have proposed my graphics to the Flex user group.

My "dream SDR" looking like a "old"  japan Radio was a simple provocation
to the sw programmes, with a lot of discussions and all stories here:


and here:


The last idea was to propose a more simple work to make a CAT interface 
using a GUI, for all
user do not need the panadapter in normal QSOs, making a very normal radio 
to play every day
with the FULL POWER of the great SDR-1000.

This way can be very simple to have: a "simple" code (only serial port 
control and graphics) running
with backgrounded PowerSDR, like others CAT software es. HamRadio Deluxe.
The PowerSDR's CAT protocol is full commands set for a total control of 
SDR-1000, without
panadapter of course.........and we can make any radio-style-look we want.

Sorry but I'm not a software man, I'm only a designer.

The full story here:


A brief personal consideration:

I'm the official distributor of Flex's products for Italy, making meetings 
and presentations
to a lot of HAM operators, all of them give me a "cold feedback" to 
GUI-style of PowerSDR
very close to look like a TEST SET, not a RADIO.

A lot of them prefer a "traditional knob in hand" and a GUI like proposed 
by me would make
a lot of business..........or no ?

An important step in this direction will be available like described in the 
last TO DO LIST by
Gerald & friends, separating  the RADIO from the GUI but.....how many 
time/work again ?

Folks, please look at the "enormous" world of the VST plug-in for audio 
applications, look
at the incredible graphics of these software........why ?

73 Beppe

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