At 08:04 AM 8/22/2006, Jerry Flanders wrote:
>We are not operating radios - we are operating  _modes_ (i.e., ssb
>phone OR cw OR rtty OR psk31 OR ... ).

An excellent point!  (in the pro SDR world, modes are called "waveforms")

>If available, you would probably want several similar consoles, each
>with specific enhancements for a particular mode. You would use one
>at a time, of course. In a few years,  when SDR has become the
>dominant type of radio, I think ops will want and have specialized
>consoles like this.
>For instance, right now I want a console specific to RTTY contesting
>operations - it doesn't need the usual ANF button, but it could
>benefit from a different kind of ANF that only removes a multi-second
>long constant cw QRM. It doesn't need a CW memory keyer, but a
>built-in FFT tuning display/waterfall  like MMTTY provides would be
>very useful. It doesn't need an audio equalizer, but real FSK would help.
Precisely... the UI should display the controls/features/etc that are 
relevant to the mode in use, and the software should translate that into 
appropriate actions for the radio hardware.

The tricky aspect is where to draw that line...

Here's a concrete example:  The SDR has the ability to essentially use ANY 
arbitrary IF filter characteristic (with a few limitations).  So, should 
the interface between the UI and the "radio" be:
a) an array defining the complex weight for each frequency bin?
b) a couple numbers defining upper and lower 3dB frequencies? (but what 
about skirt steepness?)
c) a couple numbers defining center frequency and bandwidth
d) a rise and fall time spec
e) an algebraic expression of arbitrary complexity defining a frequency or 
time domain response?

If I were a "radio" builder, and I did my filtering in frequency domain 
with a fast convolution sort of approach (FFT, multiply, IFFT), I'd want 
people to give me the array of complex numbers

If I did my filtering using timedomain digital filters, I'd probably want 
some numbers to feed into a utility that calculates tap coefficients

It gets even more complex when you want to define an interface for such 
fancy (but, really, really handy) things as specifying notches as well as 
passbands, especially if the backend radio has the ability to track an 
interfering signal.



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