At 06:32 PM 8/22/2006, Frank Brickle wrote:
>On Tue, 2006-08-22 at 17:25 -0700, Jim Lux wrote:
> > The problem I see is that since there is no current specification (or even
> > preliminary detailed sketches) of a published UI/Radio interface, everyone
> > is sort of working on modifying what's there now.
>Jim, I have nothing but respect and admiration for your knowledge and
>accomplishments within your own sphere. In this particular area,
>however, you are speaking out of ignorance and spreading little more
>than your own confusion.
>If you want to know what's going on, make a positive, tangible
>contribution, in the form of real, testable code. If you're not
>interested in doing that -- your reasons for or against are your own
>business -- then you haven't even made a down payment on the price of

I resent this, particularly in a public forum.
'nuff said.


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