>Hi Dan,
>The Janus board (hpsdr.org) has a jumper selectable 15dB attenuator fitted to 
>its input so the board can be used with an existing SDR1000. The attenuator 
>can be taken out of circuit and the input connected directly to the A/D 
>converter on the card for optimum SDR performance.  
>This is intended to allow for future designs that have lower gain after the 
>QSD or for those that don't mind doing a little surgery on their SDR1000 in 
>order to reduce the gain.
>73's Phil...VK6APH

Great.  Sounds a lot like what I once called the SDR 497.

A couple of questions:  

1) Will it also solve the microphone gain problem?  Be nice to use a 
much wider array of microphones and microphone impedances than today.

2) Will there be an added provision to put the CW keying downstream of 
the software (I'm thinking of a design point where the software transmit 
(in cahoots with this option) really was "continuous wave" and the key 
plugged in downstream far enough to actually do the On/Off keying in the 
classical way?

Those are two things that have been discussed on this list server before 
besides what's already under discussion.

If it initially is a drop in added box that replaces the D44 and is 
otherwise mostly compatible, even with attenuation on, that's still a 
big step up, depending on the form factor consumed.  If it could also 
solve these problems, there would be,  I think, a very substantial 
market for it beyond kits.  It would certainly answer everything I could 
think of that I find troublesome about today's SDR hardware. except 
maybe the portability/transportability issue.  But, even there, it might 
be more tractable than today one way or another if there was one and 
only one thing to hook up.  Today, I think many of us have two or three 
sound cards.  I know I have three.

Larry  WO0Z

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