Tim Ellison wrote:
> It has great specs, but it doesn't work.  I tested the E-MU 1616 PCI and
> it failed to work with PowerSDR.  It appeared that their ASIO drivers
> were the culprit.  Something was not compatible.  Calls to their Tech
> Support engineers were disappointing. 
> -Tim

   just a wild guess... maybe you have given for granted that the ASIO Sample 
Type is ASIOSTInt32LSB, which is what is 
used by the Delta 44. The Sample Type used by the EMU card is ASIOSTInt24LSB, 
so you have to reformat it, e.g. by 
calling the routine int24to32inPlace of the Steinberg ASIO SDK.

I made the same mistake initially.... :-)

73  Alberto  I2PHD

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