At 04:08 AM 10/16/2006, Andy Smith wrote:
>Thanks for all the suggestions, in this case I am not looking to use it with
>PowerSDR, it is for another project with a Winradio G305. I am looking to
>try and improve the VHF/UHF sensitivity, I currently own a Firebox, FA-66
>and Delta 44 which I use with the SDR1000.
>In your expert opinion Alberto, would I get as much as 3dB sensitivity
>improvement over these other high end sound cards, if not I probably could
>not justify buying it.

Are you looking for raw sensitivity (which would seem to equate to 
gain and noise figure) or dynamic range?  if it's just minimum 
detectable signal that you're worried about, why not a very low noise 
opamp.  There's a fair number of low noise op amps, and if you're 
really obsessive about 1/f noise, there are some very, very quiet 
JFETs out there, but more likely, things like construction practices 
(the kind of resistor you use, and whether you use a board or 
"floating in air on teflon post" construction.

>Best regards,
>-----Original Message-----
>[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Alberto I2PHD
>Sent: 16 October 2006 11:06
>Subject: Re: [Flexradio] Best Sound Card For Sensitivity Only
>Bob Bailey wrote:
> > I tried using the EMU 1212 card (PCI) and had no luck. Any suggestions
> > Alberto or possibly know why I could not get it to run without pops.
> > Bob
> >
>Bob and Tim,
>    well, to be honest, I haven't tried it with the SDR-1000, as I don't own
>one. I have tested the EMU-1616M with my
>software Winrad at 192 kHz sampling rate, using the ASIO driver distributed
>by M-Audio, and the working was excellent.
>Very low background noise, flat response, absolutely no pops. I had it on
>loan, and it was with chagrin that I returned
>73  Alberto  I2PHD
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