At 11:29 AM 10/18/2006, Philip Covington wrote:

>Well, the first place I would start is to open the Console project
>file in C# Express and let it convert the project - then start fixing
>the problems with .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0 from there.

You will get well over 400 warnings and errors when you load it.

>   In SVN the DLLs
>needed are already there (in binary form) so you should not need to be
>concerned with them at this point.  The main task is getting the GUI
>code (The Console) ported over to .NET 2.
>If I had infinite time I would get something set up to start from, but
>I don't, so someone else will have to volunteer to get it started.
>Phil N8VB


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