At 02:43 PM 10/18/2006, Eric Wachsmann wrote:
>I'd like to have:
>1. A platform independent GUI.
>2. An IDE that makes GUI development "nice" (i.e. NOT VC6 style).
>I am not stuck on any tool or language at this point as I don't have enough
>information to say, "This is the best tool" or "This is the best language."
>These two obviously go hand in hand.
>What I can say is that from a GUI support/development standpoint, I have yet
>to see anything that can compare to Visual Studio .NET 2003 (and this goes
>for 2005 as well) in terms of GUI support/development productivity.  The
>catch is that what makes this easy has been built in .NET which is, for all
>practical purposes, Windows only.

which is why you (generically, not Eric specifically) really want a 
fork here.  Let the Linux UI evolve in a Linux compatible way, using 
methods and tools that are congenial for Linux, and the Windows UI 
evolve using the capabilities that Windows has.  The two OSes are 
sufficiently different that cross platform compromise solutions will 
be just that, compromise.  There ARE some cross platform approaches 
which seem to be fairly powerful (e.g. Java) BUT, they have some 
non-zero learning curve to get going.

You also need to consider whether you're genuinely interested in 
increasing the number of coding participants significantly (whether 
for contributions to the mainline code or for private experiments). 
That tends to push towards environments and tools that have wider 
existing market penetration (Windows,.NET, VS in the WinXX world, 
whatever the equivalents are in the Linux world..I only do GUI in 
Windows.. my Linux coding is all command line/script file style)

Jim, W6RMK 

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