I offered this code as an example of a 2.0 port. I bailed out on it in March, 
it was very time consuming, and there was absolutely no resonance with 
the folks on the reflector. It started as a kind of jigsaw project, just 
sorting the pieces into object categories, would need to be refactored
a couple of times to perfect the design.

My job is writing windows system software and GUIs in c#. 
I presented the radio, and the 2.0 modifications
to the console, at a code camp. The settings dialog is mostly done, but 
the main console incomplete. It works however, and once you get into the
code you can see what the console needs for completion. I found that
data binding for some of the controls was too slow, so I created special
handling for the frequency display, etc. I really encourage you to follow
the data binding system in 2.0. 


Well, the first place I would start is to open the Console project
file in C# Express and let it convert the project - then start fixing
the problems with .NET 1.1 to .NET 2.0 from there.  In SVN the DLLs
needed are already there (in binary form) so you should not need to be
concerned with them at this point.  The main task is getting the GUI
code (The Console) ported over to .NET 2.

If I had infinite time I would get something set up to start from, but
I don't, so someone else will have to volunteer to get it started.

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