Hi Hank,

Could be - I assume you're talking about PSK31 Deluxe and not HRD itself. 
FWIW I am using my Delta 44 with a new digital modes program, I will have to 
test it with the Delta 44 at 96 kHz sampling.

I haven't looked at this problem yet - I just use my Delta 44 'as-is'.

Simon Brown, HB9DRV

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Gerald Capodieci" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> On your m-audio control panel, is your Codec rate locked? If so Un lock 
> it.
> "Lyman H. Wolfla II" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:  I am having problems 
> with HRD seeing my Delta 44 sound card. I get an error
> message that says the program does not support the sound card. I am going
> to assume it is due to the 96K rate that I have it set on. Can anyone
> confirm this issue?

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