
Very true -

Tivo, Linksys WRT54G/GS (at least until the latest crippled versions)
NSLU2, various music players, my Thecus NAS box, etc - All running
Linux inside and I've hacked all of them (less my NAS box - I've got
too much stuff on it at 2TB to play around comfortably)

The difference is that all those devices are appliances.  I can
defintely see a market for a fully integrated box that boots from
flash into PowerSDR or some other console.  A couple SPDIF in/out
ports on the back would obviate an additional A/D-D/A step for running
digital mode software.  Folks that want to use the appliance as
shipped could do so.  The intrepid souls that want to venture into the
guts could add all sorts of nifty extra functionality.  The ding comes
at the pricepoint.

I'm all about the radio too.  I'm used to working the seams between
the user interface and the black box.  That is where I find the fun
that I know how to work with well.  I don't have the skills *yet* to
whip up a design for something like an SDR.  I do have the skills to
integrate all the pieces-parts into an integrated working system that
allows me to make contacts and enjoy both processes.

73 N5VFF/YI9VFF - Brian

On 1/2/07, Lyle Johnson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> OTOH, it is reasonable to expect that an application (e.g., SDR-1000
> console) can be made to self-boot and just look like, well, an SDR
> console, without having to know anything about Linux, mess with
> networks, worry about virii, or deal with a command-line consle.
> The TiVO system, I am told, is a Linux application, yet the consumers
> who use it everyday need know nothing about Linux.
> At least one of the popular iPOD-like audio-addiction-dispensers is also
> running Linux inside.
> I believe the OS in my AvMAP GPS is Linux, too.  Might be wrong, but I
> never see it, I just use the application.
> In the end, I just want to use the radio.  It isn't about Linux, or
> Windows, or BSD -- it's about the radio.
> At least, it is for me :-)
> 73,
> Lyle KK7P
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