Christopher T. Day wrote:
> ***** High Performance Software Defined Radio Discussion List *****
> Of course, there is always Java, which not only compiles across
> platforms but whose executables really do run across platforms. But that
> would be too easy.
>       Chris - AE6VK

Actually it's not easy, Java has a huge learning curve due to it's 
massive libraries. So you would be placing considerable limits on who 
could help. And even more important the major player "programmers" are 
not fans of Java, and it's important to keep them happy.

The current choice C# is not a bad choice, better than Java or C++.

However if you use DttSP to do the math for you, you are free to use 
whatever else you like for the display/control program, there are some 
consoles written in Java, Squeak (smalltalk) and, C# at the present 
time. This situation keeps getting better as more and more separation 
between the modules get implemented.

The plan is for eventually to have a message driven interface between 
the modules driven by Erlang messaging, which will make it very easy to 
write a control/display program that basically sends messages to another 
module that could be on another PC or locally. When they get there I 
anticipate a free for all with people writing their own consoles in 
every sort of language and platform. Erlang has libraries for all sorts 
of languages and OS's to send/receive messages.

It will be really exciting once some of this gets implemented.


"Sacred Cows make the best Hamburger!"  Don Seglio Batuna

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