At 06:41 AM 1/7/2007, K0MV wrote:
>Those of you who have Tivo boxes will recognize this.
>The feature is a continuous recording of the last 5 minutes of the
>received signal.  You can rewind and go back to see if you copied that
>DX callsign correctly, or maybe try a narrower filter.

Excellent idea.  Especially the idea with the narrower/different filtering.

I gotta warn you, though,if this becomes popular, I can see the 
outcry on the contesting reflectors.    There are folks who beleive 
that when the contest period ends, it's "pencils down".  Others say, 
whatever it takes.  Others say, if you didn't copy it that way 
initially, tough beans, no looking back.

I love the excitement of rules interpretation that novel new 
functionality can give you.

Jim, W6RMK 

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