Hi All

        Well I still cant find out "How to adjust the transmit image rejection".
Read the manual, scanned above and below the "TUN" frequency etc. I can
hear lots of birdies but none change amplitude with the image rejection

        The manual is unclear as to where to listen for the image produced by
PowerSDR and the SDR-1000. Been scratching my head for months with this
subject. I run power during RTTY contests and worry that my image is QRMing
stations, or worse they are trying to answer my image and not me!

        So, since I can not find the answer in the documentation, where is the
image (Frequency) when I am in the Digl/CW low mode? Second what happens
when one "Enables TX Image Tone"?  Should one use the LSB/USB mode. If so
is the signal path different from DIGL or CW thus requiring different

        yours in confusion Jerry NO2T

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