> If the GUI source is cross platform, then it will be a one-for-all,
> all-for-one kind of thing (i.e. when we commit an update for windows, the
> same update should work for linux, mac, etc).
> However, if the GUIs are separate entities, I think we would handle them
> as
> such.  I doubt that we would even release matching version numbers.
> Eric Wachsmann
> FlexRadio Systems

That's one consideration.

But, I was thinking beyond the actual code base, proper, to where and how
bugs get fixed and features added.

We have a lot more users (raises hand) than coders and I would be
concerned if supporting three platforms (in binary) ended up slowing down
overall progress as opposed to having the "lesser" platforms not having
quite so much formal support so as to get new features well-debugged on
the primary platform and then the rest handled after most of the bugs were
wrung out.

The easiest way to do it is to have differing levels of production of
binary, especially for shorter lived "alpha" and "beta" levels of code.

Maybe there is no practical difference in the end, but it seems like there
could be a way to think about and manage the management of bugs and new
features as they flow through the entire code base.

Debug time counts, too.

Larry WO0Z

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