At 01:03 AM 2/22/2007, Kirb Nesbitt wrote:
>How tough would it be to provide different pan-adapter bandwidths
>independent of sampling rate?

The trick is more in the UI than in the backend.  It would be pretty 
straightforward to have a "spectrogram" type application taking the 
feed from the analog inputs, along with the necessary side 
configuration information (current DDS frequency, etc) running in 
parallel with the "receiver" application.  The challenge is in 
getting good integration (so you can do things like "click on a 
signal") and keeping the two applications logically (to the user) synchronized.

James Lux, P.E.
Spacecraft Radio Frequency Subsystems Group
Flight Communications Systems Section
Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Mail Stop 161-213
4800 Oak Grove Drive
Pasadena CA 91109
tel: (818)354-2075
fax: (818)393-6875 

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