
Price is all relative.  Isn't the Omni-VII about $2500 or a little 
more, and it's not even a top-of-the line transceiver. I paid $3200 + 
- for my Omni-VI in 1992, in 1992 $.  What does the top-of-the line 
transceiver of the big 3 plus Ten Tec go for? Can you compare the 
Flex 5K to them?  Maybe not quite.  Where does it fall short?  Two 
full receivers?  Close-in dynamic range?  Roofing 
filters?  QSK?  Manual notch filter?  What will they be in 3-5 or 10 
years compared to the Flex 5K?  As long as the hardware is there, the 
5K software in 3-5 or 10 years most likely will be an order of 
magnitude more advanced, in which case in order to keep up, you can 
buy another big 3+ transceiver, probably for 10K+ $.  The Flex 5K is 
a lot of radio for the price, and seems to be a good investment in 
future technology.  I would like to see a point by point comparison 
of the performance of the Flex 5k and the IC-7800 (list $13466.65, 
discount $10588.98) or Orion II  ($4395) or FT9000.  I guess we will 
have to wait for the ARRL lab report for this.  I can wait.

73,  Chas W1CG

On raw performance, it's pretty hard to beat a K2.

At 03:22 PM 4/12/2007, Larry W8ER wrote:
>Lee .. What I think is interesting is that the impact of the
>announcement centers around the price. The lack of information is
>leading to a lot of negative talk where the price is the issue and not
>the various features and improvements. As soon as you mention that the
>$2500 includes a TCXO and soundcard plus the other technical leaps, the
>price doesn't seem to be as large a factor and the negativity seems to
>melt away.
>It would have been interesting to release pictures and technical
>information and NO hint as to price for a month or so. My guess is that
>the speculation would have had the price much higher and the price, when
>announced, would have made it seem a bargain!
>--Larry W8ER
>Lee A Crocker wrote:
> > Part of the problem is that the announcement of the F5k was a bit 
> premature.  QST is released to a select few members before the rest 
> of the membership and a premature release of the F5K advertisement 
> kind of forced the issue.  I think Flex was expecting a little more 
> lead time to get all their ducks in a row.  I'm sure Flex will 
> release all data once they are satisfied the information is 
> precise.  I think it is worth waiting for precise data so there is 
> no confusion.
> >
> > 73  W9OY
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > 
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