
It probably is at 48000 s/s and a 4096 buffer.  I did some work on 
measuring filters earlier.  If you like, I will email you a copy of 
Spectrogram 5.7 which is the last free program, and you can verify 
it.  It works well with VAC 4.x

Chas, WiCG

At 11:25 AM 4/28/2007, Tim Ellison wrote:
>On the web page, it states that the filter shape factor for a 500 Hz
>filter is 1.35:1 and a 2.6 KHz filter is 1.06:1.  But I believe that
>these values were taken at 48K sampling rate with a 1024 DSP filter.
>I don't have a scope or a signal generator to check this, so I am asking
>if anyone has done (or would consider doing) an analysis of the filter
>shape factor with different DSP buffer sizes and sampling rates?  I
>would be very interested in seeing how the shape factor varies with
>these parameters at a 500 Hz and 2.6 KHz filter width?
>-Tim, W4TME
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