At 12:39 PM 6/2/2007 -0400, you wrote:

>Asking for an opinion.  Instead of using a OCXO, just leave the SDR1K
>powered up 24/7.  Isn't the stability just as good?  OR, is even tighter

Hi Phil,

I checked the stability of the SDR1K several times ... nothing scientific 
....  Here is how I did it:

I tuned the the SDR1K to a frequency standard like WWV on 10mhz or 15mhz 
from a cold start (my shack is rather cool at just under 70 deg F)
I also fired up MixW and clicked on the carrier while in PSK mode with an 
audio frequency of 1500hz with AFC engaged.
The AFC in MixW will follow any drift with a direct readout in hz.

I plotted the drift at 5 min intervals.  The result is that there is fast 
drift (my SDR1K) up in frequency for the first 15 minutes ... in fact the 
drift is so fast that there is a perceptible 'lean' to the WWV carrier on 
the MixW waterfall trace.  After 15 minutes the 'lean' in the trace is no 
longer perceptible .... the drift has slowed down to about 5 hz per minute 
to the 30minute mark.  From the 30min mark to the 45min mark the drift 
still continues (in the same upward direction) at a decreasing rate.  After 
45 minutes there is no perceptible drift for any period of time.

The total drift from cold start to complete stability (45 min later) is 
about 170 hz.  For my general application (digital and CW) there is no 
drift after 45min.  Knowing this I fire up and shut down according to my 
operating habits ... no need for 24/7.


For general information .... I originally purchased the SDR1K barefoot (1w) 
and used it to drive the PA section of an old tube rig which worked 
fine.  With the discontinuation of the SDR1K I broke down and purchased the 
100w solid state amplifier and installed it .... I have to say it works 
wonderfully.  I have it and the 35amp power supply installed in the closet 
in the spare bedroom behind the wall of our computer room.  My desk looks 
exactly the same as the xyl's .... everything is controlled  by the 
computer/sdr1k ... including antenna switching etc.  (no fan noise hi hi)

I did a stability run with the new arrangement and found it to be identical 
to previous stability test runs.

Jim, VE3CI

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