Well, here is my 2 cents.  It may be a nuisance in general operating but its 
a must for weak signal microwaves as well as DXing.  If its a problem for 
mixed mode, its because everyone has differnt radios or set ups are 
different.  If everyone had CWU and USB or CWL and LSB then it would 
normally alway be ok.

A perfect example was yesterday afternoon.  6 Meters was open to the east 
coast to the Caribbean, but here in the midwest, the DX was coming in very 
weakly and had lots of QSB.  I spent considerable time watching a station 
and calling him on SSB.  Most guys were calling on SSB, a few were calling 
on CW.  The ones calling on CW were not being responded to by the DX.  Why 
you ask?  Did the DX not want to work cw?  Nope, all the CW was outside of 
the SSB passband.  Easy to see on the SDR-1000 bandscope.  It was obvious 
that the DX was not even hearing the CW.  These were stations with rigs that 
did not have the CW freq offset function when switching between SSB to CW. 
i.e. you would have to retune in order to hear it.

With no luck on SSB, I gave one call on CW.  DXCC #77 on 6M!  He came back 
to me on SSB without retuning to hear my signal.  We worked cross mode with 
no effort.  I just laughed when I saw other guys again calling on CW, just 
outside of the lower end of the SSB passband...I tuned away know that the 
funtion does what it is intended to do.

A few other rigs do it correctly.  Typically the Yaesus do just fine.  The 
Icoms did not until the Pro II I believe, and then yet you had to set it up 
that way.  They would have CW on the LSB side when you were on a band that 
utilized USB.

Other examples from the microwaves and weak signal work, we would try to 
work on SSB and say the signals QSBed out.  You knew the guy was there, so 
we typically switch to CW.  The guys with yaesus driving their transverters 
or whatever would pop out right where you needed them to be without tuning. 
I can recall many times loosing guys who I knew were running Icom 706s, etc. 
The fact of retuning to find a weak signal was normally a loss of a possible 

This is why I ran Yaesu radios for my VHF and microwaves 
IFs....er...uh.....until the SDR-1000 came along of course :)

Again, my 2 cents.


Mike - KM0T

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Bernhard Hailer, DL4MHK/AE6YN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "FlexRadio" <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 10:16 PM
Subject: [Flexradio] Frequency for CW and SSB

> Hello,
> question regarding PowerSDR: when you switch from USB to CWU, PowerSDR 
> adds
> the side tone frequency to the currently used frequency; e.g. you operate 
> at 21.4000 MHz and your side tone is 600 Hz, your new frequency is 21.4006
> once you switch to CW.
> This may be logical, but it is a nuisance if you operate mixed mode: I'm
> practicing CW with some local hams here, and I have always to correct the
> frequency when we have a final SSB chat after our practicing.
> Is there a purpose behind this scheme? Is it configurable anywhere? I 
> haven't
> seen this with other radios...
> Thanks!
> Bernhard, AE6YN

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