
this was why I asked this question - so there is a good reason for having this 

I like however Frank's suggestion of making it configurable. It's just 
software... :-)

Bernhard, AE6YN

Also schrieb Mike King - KM0T am Montag 16 Juli 2007 zum Thema "Re: 
[Flexradio] Frequency for CW and SSB":
| Well, here is my 2 cents.  It may be a nuisance in general operating but
| its a must for weak signal microwaves as well as DXing.  If its a problem
| for mixed mode, its because everyone has differnt radios or set ups are
| different.  If everyone had CWU and USB or CWL and LSB then it would
| normally alway be ok.
| A perfect example was yesterday afternoon.  6 Meters was open to the east
| coast to the Caribbean, but here in the midwest, the DX was coming in very
| weakly and had lots of QSB.  I spent considerable time watching a station
| and calling him on SSB.  Most guys were calling on SSB, a few were calling
| on CW.  The ones calling on CW were not being responded to by the DX.  Why
| you ask?  Did the DX not want to work cw?  Nope, all the CW was outside of
| the SSB passband.  Easy to see on the SDR-1000 bandscope.  It was obvious
| that the DX was not even hearing the CW.  These were stations with rigs
| that did not have the CW freq offset function when switching between SSB to
| CW. i.e. you would have to retune in order to hear it.
| With no luck on SSB, I gave one call on CW.  DXCC #77 on 6M!  He came back
| to me on SSB without retuning to hear my signal.  We worked cross mode with
| no effort.  I just laughed when I saw other guys again calling on CW, just
| outside of the lower end of the SSB passband...I tuned away know that the
| funtion does what it is intended to do.
| A few other rigs do it correctly.  Typically the Yaesus do just fine.  The
| Icoms did not until the Pro II I believe, and then yet you had to set it up
| that way.  They would have CW on the LSB side when you were on a band that
| utilized USB.
| Other examples from the microwaves and weak signal work, we would try to
| work on SSB and say the signals QSBed out.  You knew the guy was there, so
| we typically switch to CW.  The guys with yaesus driving their transverters
| or whatever would pop out right where you needed them to be without tuning.
| I can recall many times loosing guys who I knew were running Icom 706s,
| etc. The fact of retuning to find a weak signal was normally a loss of a
| possible contact.
| This is why I ran Yaesu radios for my VHF and microwaves
| IFs....er...uh.....until the SDR-1000 came along of course :)
| Again, my 2 cents.
| 73
| Mike - KM0T
| ----- Original Message -----
| From: "Bernhard Hailer, DL4MHK/AE6YN" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
| To: "FlexRadio" <FlexRadio@flex-radio.biz>
| Sent: Saturday, July 14, 2007 10:16 PM
| Subject: [Flexradio] Frequency for CW and SSB
| > Hello,
| >
| > question regarding PowerSDR: when you switch from USB to CWU, PowerSDR
| > adds
| > the side tone frequency to the currently used frequency; e.g. you operate
| > USB
| > at 21.4000 MHz and your side tone is 600 Hz, your new frequency is
| > 21.4006 once you switch to CW.
| >
| > This may be logical, but it is a nuisance if you operate mixed mode: I'm
| > practicing CW with some local hams here, and I have always to correct the
| > frequency when we have a final SSB chat after our practicing.
| >
| > Is there a purpose behind this scheme? Is it configurable anywhere? I
| > haven't
| > seen this with other radios...
| >
| >
| > Thanks!
| > Bernhard, AE6YN
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