Hmmm ...much to my great surprise and some embarrassment, there 
actually is a working code path to read the 100 watt ADC with the 
current AJO code.

The way I'd planned to implement this was to call FX2 microcode on 
Ozy to read the ADC value similar to the way the Flex USB adapter 
works.  In prep for that I'd put in a hook and a warning message into 
the current PowerSDR code that reads the ADC.  I accidentally left 
out the return from my not implemented warning branch -- this caused 
the code to get into the existing PowerSDR code that reads the ADC by 
bit banging the RFE registers.  As it turns out the RFE bit banging 
stuff is all implemented for AJO so low and behold the code can read 
the ADC!   Who have thunk it -- one of the rare times I've seen code 
get into places it was not supposed to and have a good thing.

So on net - it would appear AJO with the 100 watt amp is working just 
fine.  I'll eventually clean this up and do the FX2 microcode to read 
the ADC and stop bit banging from the PC side, but all indications 
are the current code works just fine.


Bill  (kd5tfd)

At 08:34 AM 8/14/2007, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
>Hey Bill,
>Do yourself a favor, before writing any code, connect your PA and 
>see what happens.

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